Thursday, 26 March 2009

Votez pour votre rap préféré!

Listen to 8B French number raps here:

Veuillez patienter! They will take a minute to load up.

Then place your vote on the left side of the page!

Bonne chance 8B.

(Ah oui, le prix? Un oeuf de pâques biensûr!)

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

C'est le printemps!!!

Le Printemps est enfin revenu!! :-)
Après de longues et froides journées d'hiver, "l'hexagone" enlève son manteau blanc et laisse place à un spectacle de couleurs et de senteurs...
A Strasbourg, toutes les maisons sont fleuries. Une merveille pour les yeux et le nez!! Les promeneurs pourront admirer les fenêtres et les balcons ornés de fleurs de toutes les couleurs. Les cigognes réapparaissent dans le paysage Alsacien...

Le printemps, c'est aussi le retour du soleil. Les premiers rayons du soleil viennent "chatouiller" le sommet de la magnifique et imposante Cathédrale de Strasbourg

Et le Parlement Européen brille de mille feux...

Comment ne pas se laisser tenter par une petite balade en "péniche" sur les rives de l'ILL ?

Où pourquoi ne pas faire une promenade dans le parc de l'Orangerie?

Les promeneurs les plus patients pourront observer une cigogne perchée sur une branche d'un arbre...

Alors Vive le printemps! Et que ce doux retour printanier vous apporte à tous toute l'énergie nécessaire pour bien finir cette année scolaire.


Monday, 23 March 2009

Vive le Printemps!

L'hirondelle rustique: Le printemps commence le 20 mars 2009 à 12 h 43 (heure de France).
C'est l'équinoxe de printemps, le jour où nous sommes tous égaux devant le soleil : la durée du jour est égale à la durée de la nuit sur tous les points de notre Terre ! C'est le jour de l'égalité !
C'est aussi la journée de la francophonie.Le printemps commence le 20 mars 2009 à 12 h 43 (heure de France).

Yes! It's officially spring time in France! So what are the first signs of spring in France? Well we'll be teaming up with one of our French partner schools and Mr Spence(Science) to investigate and compare those first signs in our very own International Spring Watch! So watch this space and if you've noticed anything "spring-like" so far leave a comment for our French school to read or go and tell Mr Spence!

À bientôt!

Friday, 20 March 2009

Félicitations Rachel Clearey!

Rachel has been offered a place to study French and English at Glasgow University. The lucky and talented Rachel had a wealth of choice as she was also offered a place to study in 4 other universities. "I chose Glasgow because the city and the course offered was very appealing. I visited the university in January and am returning there for the Open Day on the 31st March". Rachel will complete her A2 French course in June and we wish her every success in her exams and in the future.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Ce n'est qu'un au revoir....

On Friday 27th February 6 students from our French partner school Lycée Amiral Ronarc’h in Brest, France were welcomed to the area by Councillor Collin McGrath, chairman of Down District Council, Councillor Michael Coogan, chairman of Cultural and Economic Development and Eric Tommasini, Towns Centre Manager in a reception in Downpatrick. The students were presented with certificates for completing their work experience in the local area and given a guided tour of the Saint Patrick Centre and St Patrick's grave. The French students had a fantastic time with us and didn't want to go home- always a good sign! Our students are still chatting via MSN and e-mail and some even have plans to meet up again over the summer. Amis pour la vie!

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Mardi Gras et Carnaval

We marked “Mardi Gras et Carnaval” with year 9 students in their French classes. During the session year 9's had the opportunity of sampling authentic French pancakes (crêpes) some of which were made by our own expert crêpe maker Laetitia. Students also made masks to enter into the spirit of "Carnaval". Our French assistant Laetitia prepared a powerpoint about "Mardi Gras et Carnaval" in France and got the year 9's to translate her authentic French recipe. For homework students had to make the pancakes/wear their mask and remember to hold a "golden" coin in their hand while flipping the pancakes. (Laetitia told us that this brings good luck for the whole year!)

Merci Laetitia!