Thursday, 11 December 2008

“Le Père Fouettard” AKA "The bogey man"

Today, we learned about “Le Père Fouettard” (“The whipping father") AKA the “Bogey man”. Intrigued? Find out more information on the link below:

He can be seen as the “bad Santa” in the run up to Christmas in certain parts of France and Switzerland. When Santa gives presents to the well-behaved children, "le Père Fouettard" would appear with his whips as a threat to ward off any naughty behaviour.

It originated from folklore (much like the London legend of Sweeney Todd) . To this day, he’s used to scare little kids into being good. The sack of coal threat seems mild now!
Quelle horreur! We were all speechless. Apparently Laura Salamin actually met "le Père Fouettard" while living in Switzerland. So it's all true!
Tahnee also met him while living in Germany! Pauvre petites!

Friday, 5 December 2008

Strasbourg Christmas Market

Le Kougelhopf alsacien:

La Choucroute

Le Baeckeoffe

Strasbourg Christmas Market

Voici la periode des marchés de Noel... Dans ma ville de Strasbourg, nous avons nous aussi un magnifique marché de Noel. Il a lieu sur la trés celebre "Place Kleber", au coeur de la ville Alsacienne... Vous serez sans aucun doute impressionné par les illuminations et particulierement si vous y allez le soir... Les gourmands y trouveront leur compte. En effet, vous pourrez deguster quelques fantastiques spécialites Alsaciennes, comme la "choucroute", le Baeckeoffe", et biensur les traditionnelles patisseries comme le Kougloff!!! Bonnes fetes de fin d'année a tous!! Laetitia

"Rendez-vous" recommends.......

The continental market at the City Hall in Belfast!
We had the opportunity to sample some continental dishes at the market on Wednesday after the QFT. C'était délicieux!

Laura recommends "La Raclette" at the Swiss stand and "crêpes".
Ms Clarke recommends "La Tartiflette".
Clare liked the Dutch pancakes.
Rachel went all Spanish on us and had "churros".
Madeline surprised us all and had a ostrich burger. Apparently she didn't really eat meat before coming to Northern Ireland.
Scott got extra sugar on his "crêpe" for saying "merci", not to mention free Russian beads for being polite at the Russian stand. Quelle politesse!
Stands to look out for: Turkish pastries, German "wurst", Spanish omelette and Paëlla.
If we still haven't convinced you just look(top) at what was available at the French "patisserie".
It really is a feast for all the senses so you don't have to buy anything but if you do make sure to walk around first before making your choice as it is a bit pricey.
Bon appétit!

Thursday, 4 December 2008


AS and A2 French students attended an introduction to the film Persepolis at the QFT Belfast yesterday. They listened to Dr Dominique Jeannerod, explaining in French, issues pertaining to the film - family life and relationships, gender issues, prejudice & racism, democracy and human rights, violence & conflict. Dr Jeannerod is a lecturer in the school of Languages,Literature and Performing Arts at Queen's University and has published articles on various aspects of French Culture and Film.

We found out where the title came from: "Perse" the French word for Persia (the ancient empire which stretched across Iran) and "Polis" the Greek word for city. (City of Persia.)

"Persepolis" was the ancient ceremonial capitol of the Persian Empire. Cyrus the Great chose the site (which is 70km northeast of Shiraz - not the wine region!) but his son, Darius the great was responsible for building the city around 500 B.C.

The film itself is an autobiographical coming-of-age French animation by graphic novelist Marjorie Satrapi. It is as funny as it is tragic. The film also charts the history of Iran, as well as how Satrapi eventually left her home country due to the regime's oppression of women. It is beautifully animated as we witness the trials faced by an outspoken Iranian girl who finds her unique attitude, and outlook on life, repeatedly challenged during the Islamic revolution.

Members of the sixth form language committee were so taken by it they have decided to show this film for our French Film night in February. So watch this space for more details about the upcoming screening at Shimna!
PS It says "Punk is not ded" on the back of the little girls T-shirt in case you can't read it :-)

Monday, 1 December 2008

A video-conference with Brussels.....

Last Monday year 12 French student Philip Crookes went on work experience to the European Commission Office in Belfast. The highlight of the day was a video-conference with the Commission in Brussels during which delegates from all the EU countries discussed and debated issues from around the EU in French and English. It was also of particular interest to Philip as he visited Brussels last year with the College and was able to talk about his experience with his mentor who travels regularly to Brussels on business. Philip was thrilled by the experience. "I always knew that languages were important but this made me realise how important languages can be in other areas of work like business, law, journalism and politics."
To find out more about career opportunities in the EU visit this site:

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Is Brad Pitt an existentialist?

Madeline came up with another cool fact today! Did you know that Brad Pitt has a French tattoo? It reads "Absurdités de l'existence" roughly translating as the absurdity of life/existence.
We were all very impressed! Could he possibly be a fan of Camus?

Heres what he had to say about it in his interview with "Le Figaro" in October last year:
Le Figaro: Votre tatouage a l'air de dire que l'existence n'a pas de sens... non ?(Il rit.)

Brad Pitt: Je pense que l'existence elle-même n'est pas absurde mais qu'elle est pleine de choses absurdes. La tragédie, pour moi, c'est de se voir piégé à un carrefour parce qu'on est incapable de choisir son propre chemin.
Our final comment? C'est la vie Brad!

Monday, 24 November 2008

Plus de Amelie!

We watched more of "Amelie" today, Polly still likes it a lot. There were some very strange scenes involving a creepy fruit vendor and Amelie's ongoing search for love. She looks for a man named "Dominique Bretodeau" because she found a momento of his past and wants deeply to return it. Eventually, after learning how to spell his name right, her quest began again. Polly likes Amelie's father's gnome.

C'est tout for now!

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Join the Big Blog Debate!

Es-tu pour ou contre les blogs?
Are you for or against blogs?
Before you cast your vote(to the left of the page!) read what our AS French students have to say about it here:

Bonne lecture!

Monday, 17 November 2008


We watched the first few minutes of "Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain" (Or "Amélie Poulain" for short)

It's an extremely bizzare film (E.g her home was so depressing, her pet goldfish "poisson rouge" (meaning: "gold fish") tried to kill itself!) but it has a great story behind it: "Je l'adore!" says Polly... And as usual, we all agree. =D
The narrator speaks VERY fast, adding to the originality (seemingly like a fairy tale - he introduces each character, their interests and strange habits.) Amélie's wild imagination means that she lives in her own world, meaning it's hard to understand her mind, hence the originality of the film. (C'est une histoire d'amour) C'est la vie d'Amélie, and her search for love.
C'est un film très bizzare, mais romantique!
We haven't finished watching it yet, but it looks like we will soon!
If you have seen this movie: Tell us what you thought!

Thursday, 13 November 2008

"Rendez-vous" do a random French quiz!

This week we completed an online cultural and linguistic quiz. We found out some very random and bizarre facts and information. Did you know..............
  • French is spoken in 45 countries!
  • "Chien" is the word for dog! Quelle surprise.
  • The French national football team is called "les bleus"
  • Some French people refer to us as "Les Roast beef" .
  • Lots of French people prefer tea with lemon.
  • The French drink a lot of coffee.
  • France is known as the hexagon.

Why not try the quiz for yourself! You'll find it here:

Don't forget to let us know how you get on!

Premier "Rendez-vous"

Voici deux fidèles étudiantes au "Rendez-vous".

Une visite fantastique!

Year 10 and year 12 students had a visit last Thursday from the exciting French theatre company "Théâtre Fantastique". Students had the opportunity to watch a play, and listen to fantastic original French rock songs while at the same time improving their skills in French. We were delighted that students had this excellent opportunity which contributes to three areas of their education – drama, music and French. Students from St Mary’s in Downpatrick and Blackwater Integrated College also attended the event. Et oui! C'était vraiment fantastique!

Monday, 3 November 2008

Le Rendez-vous

We finally came up with a new name for our club! (Le Rendez-vous!)

Today (Monday 3rd November) we had some french food, "Le gratin Dauphinois" It's made mostly with "les pommes de terre, fromage et crème fraîche et lait". It was GREAT!! (We all love cheese, especially Polly =D)

The recipe:


(For 6 people)

- 1 kg of large potatoes
- 150 ml of milk
- 150 ml of fresh cream
- 1 free range egg
- loads of grated cheese (to taste - for topping)
- Salt and pepper


- Peel potatoes
- Cut potatoes in slices
- Put half of potatoes in a big bowl
- Mix egg with milk and cream (adding salt and pepper to taste)
- Add around 1/3 of the mixture to potatoes
- Add the remaing potatoes.
- Top off with cheese
- Bake in oven at 250 degrees for 30-45 minutes. (Untill cheese turns golden brown)
- ENJOY!!!

Send us comments telling us what you think!!

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Year 10's enjoy a “Festin Français"

This week Year 10 French students enjoyed a “Taste of France”. Students had the opportunity of experiencing authentic French cuisine and culture as well as sharing their own “French experience” with others. A huge thanks to all the students and parents who made it possible by sending in delicious items of French food(croissants, pain au chocolat, brioche, brie, camembert, baguette, crêpes, gâteaux, tarte, patisseries, chocolat belge etc), or relics of holidays in France (photos, leaflets, books etc.) to share with the rest of the class. Students topped it all off by watching a famous pair who know a lot about French feasting - Astérix and Obélix.

Monday, 20 October 2008

Bonjour tout le monde!!

Aimez-vous bloguer?
Nous étudions les nouveaux médias en ce moment et donc nous avons décidé de faire notre propre blog. Voici notre premier blog. Nous avons beaucoup de plaisir à partager nos aventures français avec vous.
Ce mercredi nous allons au marché St Georges pour une journée de langues.
Revenez la semaine prochaine pour voir nos photos!!
À plus!