Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Visiting France or a francophone region?

If you are going to France or a French speaking region on holiday, then leave us a comment and tell us what it was like.

P.S Before you go, check out the integration blog at the link below and then choose "French" in the "Languages for Sunshine" entry. You'll find some great French holiday phrases there.

Nous serons de retour au mois de septembre! Bonnes vacances!
À bientôt !

Monday, 29 June 2009

Springwatch International - update

Earlier in the year our French partner school shared some of their Spring sightings in France. Then 10B conducted their own "Springwatch" in science class and produced some excellent powerpoints. Today 10B selected and translated a couple of them. Click on the link to take a look at their translations.

À plus!

Sunday, 28 June 2009

What a great idea!

Bravo à tous les étudiants qui ont participé à la vie de ce super blog! C'est une excellente idée qui permet de se tenir au courant "des faits et gestes" de nos étudiants en Français ainsi que des nouvelles en lien avec le monde Francophone. De plus, je trouve que c'est sympa de pouvoir s'exprimer sur les différents articles, de faire partager ses opinions... Voici un moyen divertissant d'informer les lecteurs des nouvelles de la France et de ses traditions...
Quelle belle initiative!!
Continuez comme ça!!
Laëtita, fidèle lectrice de votre blog

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Miam miam.....

Miam! (French for yum) was written all over the lips of Yr 8 French students today, as they celebrated completion of their first year of French at Shimna with a typical "petit déjeuner français" or French breakfast. "Crêpes", "baguette", "pain au chocolat", "brioche", "croissants", "petits pains", "gauffres belges" and of course "Nutella" were all on the menu. "Merci beaucoup" to all the parents who contributed.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Le Grand Défi...

Year 8 French students who took part in "Le Grand Défi" national competition were all smiles when their certificates and prizes arrived. They sat a 30-minute test sponsored by Linguascope at the end of May. The purpose of the competition is to help stimulate interest in the learning of French and to help identify and reward achievement on the part of students. "Félicitations!" to all the students who participated and did so well! (Particularly those who were burning the midnight oil on the Linguascope website!)